You are worthy of a calm nervous system and sustainable relationships with healthy communication…

It starts with You.

How willing are you to truly honor the deep, low voice within, guiding you to listen?

Your body has all the answers you are seeking. I just guide you back to your true self.

“Your truest self already knows the path forward. What is it telling you?

What Clients are saying…

  • A Safe Haven

    Elis has a profound way of seeing your soul and it’s deepest desires. Empowering you to find the words to ask for exactly what you want. In the most chaotic of storms she finds the love and grows it. Tenderly and softly she invites your inner child to feel safe to love again. Safe to grow. She helps you remember who you are. She is a safe haven for healing and growth. Her intuitive gifts could heal the entire world.

    -Sumi Wave

  • Honor that Knowing

    Cold, hard truths are never easy to hear, but they are the medicine we need to grow and heal. Working with Elis is the potent force that awakens you to feel your truth in your heart. And from that truth you get so clear on your actions to honor that knowing. Her love would melt even the coldest of hearts.

    -Elizabeth D

  • Felt So Seen

    There is so much I can say about what Elis has done for me as an individual. The way she made me feel so seen! She gave me the words to give myself permission to own what I really wanted to say and do in my life. Not only in my romantic relationships but in everything else too. My life has taken an 180 degree turn since I started working with her and I am so grateful.

    -Savanna M

Do you know where you leave yourself behind?

Most of us have developed powerful self protection tools that have helped us survive everything in life until now. But are those protection mechanism getting in the way of a more sensitive, highly intuitive and clear mind, body and soul connection?

My practice and guidance is all about returning back to your truest self. Your body knows exactly how to heal and you give it space.

I create the container and You will naturally know where your answers are.

If it seems simple, it’s because it is.

Are you ready to know how naturally you can heal?

Find Your Way Back to Each Other